Monday, November 2, 2009

Are You Paying Attention?

Have you ever had a feeling that you can't explain how you know, but you just know?

Have you ever had a feeling in your gut that tells you just what you should or should not do and when to take action and when not to?

Have you ever had a feeling or a knowing when someone is lying to you?

Of course you have sometime in your life, but my real question is:
Are you listening?

Are you paying attention to the messages that are being sent to you?

That just knowing feeling is your Intuition. You may have heard and know much about intuition. But, how well do you REALLY LISTEN to it on an everyday basis?
Your intuition comes from your higher self (from God) guiding you in all areas of your life. The feeling that you get is your intuition giving you the answers to questions that sometimes you don't even think you ask. What do I mean by that? Sometimes we are conscious of the questions that we ask, but sometimes, we go through our routine without even saying, "What should I do now?" It's those times where we are just going through our daily routine that we have to pay attention even more. Because we are not consciously asking questions, we sometimes don't hear the response from our higher self.
So, how do we connect to our intuition? You connect by being still. Being quiet and paying attention to that inner small voice. Through meditation, you can gain tremendous insight into any situation. With practice, you will be able to do this as a routine and connect immediately.

Take time out each day just for you where you can sit quietly and reflect on your day. Practice listening and paying attention to what your intuition (gut feeling) is trying to tell you. Go out in nature for a walk, or sit outside and just look at all the beauty that surrounds you. If you can't see the beauty, you are not looking hard enough. Embrace the feelings you get. You will be more refreshed, and more relaxed, and able to let go of the stress of the day.

Remember, next time you ask yourself questions, wait and listen for the answers. When you don't ask, listen anyway. You will be glad you did.

Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP
Holistic Life Coach

Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2009

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