Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Discovering Your Truth

What is YOUR Truth right now?

People live their lives in many ways:

1) don’t really care about much, just go along day after day, same routine over and over again

2) not really happy with what they are doing, but do it anyway because they feel they have to

3) average life, somewhat satisfied and conditioned, don’t strive for more, just at a steady pace

4) somewhat content with life and career, just doing what you have to do

5) happy with life and career, but feel something missing

6) happy with life, career, family, but knows there is still more to life

7) wants to know how to improve their life

8) explores and searches for the meaning of life

9) know that they are on a journey to discovering the truth of their soul, and taking the necessary actions to keep moving forward

10) know their life purpose and living from that purpose

11) totally connected with God and self, living life on purpose, and completely self-fulfilled, very happy, and very content

Be honest with yourself right now...
no one else can hear your thoughts!

Which life are you living?

"The minute we face the truth... only then can true change begin."
~ Laura R. Kiray
If we don't face the truth now, and be honest with ourselves, we will never get to where we want to go or where we are meant to go.

Do you know all there is to know about you? Do you know what you want, what your dreams are? Why you act and think a certain way? Have you found your purpose in life?

These are necessary questions that we need to ask ourselves if we are ever to find our truth and live a life with purpose and meaning.

In order to find your truth, you have to do some exploring into your inner soul. For there is no other place to find the truth than the place within, when you truly connect with the REAL YOU. Nobody can tell you your truth, nobody can define who you are, and nobody can think and act for you.

It's part of our journey to understand who we are, and to create an extraordinary life. In order to create that extraordinary life, we have to understand ourselves. Not what we were taught to believe about ourselves, but to truly know oneself. I can't stress enough how important it is to live by your own truth, and
not how others want you to live. If you live according to others' expectations of you, you are comprising yourself and sacrificing the 'real you'. Which also, could lead you down a path that is in the opposite direction of where you really should be going.

What is YOUR real Truth, and how do you find it?

We all want to know what we are here for, our purpose or mission in life. When you have discovered your life purpose, there is that connection to your authenticity, your true self, which makes you feel alive and driven. The further you get away from your purpose in life, the more out of sync you will feel.

Start by getting to know yourself, and what kind of emotional energy charge that gets triggered inside of you. Try to observe the behavioral patterns in your life. Start with the word
always, as in "I always feel _____", or "I always do _____." Any time you find an always in your life, there is an archetype there (an original model or type in which similar things are patterned).

Discover more of who you are by answering the following questions:

1) I am really good at...


2) When I was a child, I really wanted to be:


re you that today? Yes or No
3) If given the chance to be or do anything I've always wanted, I would daydream about...


4) What prevents me from being or doing what I've always wanted is the following:




5) In my free time, I
really enjoy...



6) Describe in detail,
how you feel when you are doing something you really enjoy doing...



7) Can you recognize right away when you are in that state of really enjoying what you are doing? Yes or No

8) Do you have passion for what you are doing right now? Yes or No

9) Have you ever felt passionate about anything in your life? Yes or No

If Yes, when and what did you feel passionate about? Give specific details.




10) People have always told me that I am good at...


11) My gifts and talents are...




12) In my ideal world, I envision my life...




By answering these questions, you will get a better understanding of who you are and which direction you should be going.

Meditate on all of this, and once you truly feel it, act on it... if you don't, you will always have that gnawing feeling inside of you that something is not right and missing from your life.

Remember, this is part of your journey... discovering your truth and living your life purpose.

May you find everything that fulfills your life, and brings you into total harmony with who you really are...

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

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