Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year's Inspirational Message...

The past year, and possible previous ones has presented many of us with many challenges and choices, some good, and some appearing really bad. Some challenges and choices leading to heartache and pain, while others leading to improving our lives. When drawing to a close of the end of a year, we sometimes reflect on where we were and what we have accomplished.

When thinking about the past year or your situation in a way that is upsetting and depressing, I challenge you to take that same pain and use it to your advantage to make a brand new start for the coming year ahead.

How do you use the pain to your advantage? By transforming the pain into self-awareness. My unique style of counseling and spiritual gifts will help you do that! Whether you are looking for positive emotional fulfillment, self-improvement, clearing out confusion, organization, or a change in career, the point is...

Create a Vision, Stay Focused... Watch it Manifest!

I do believe that something good always comes out of something bad or tragic, and if we are smart enough to recognize it, it makes us stronger. And, I don't mean the kind of stronger that you begin to put up walls to make you stronger. Because, those walls will always prevent you from opening yourself up to all the blessings around you. Those walls keep you stuck. I'm talking about becoming stronger through adversity. Facing the challenges, and working through them no matter how difficult it becomes.

Let's face it... There is a high price to pay for freedom of body, mind, and spirit. And, that high price is hard work, real work, to keep going even when you feel like quitting. Being determined and having the perseverance to reach your goals. Despite present circumstances, if you can understand that the outcome is always to your advantage, then you will be able to process the importance of Your Journey. You will get to your outcome one way or another, but how you get there is up to you.

Attitude and Perception means everything.

Even though you can’t see it right now, everything that happens, happens for a reason, and is for our ultimate good. When you get through certain phases in your life, you can look back and see why things happened as they did.

Listen… a serious word for all… You are not alone! I myself, and many others totally understand your pain. I often say, we all experience the same emotions, just in different scenarios. I have also been through Hell myself. I went through deep depression to experiencing all kinds of deeply painful, unpleasant emotions, which affected my entire life and the lives of my family. But, I did reach a point where I said to myself, “I’m so tired of feeling the way that I do. I want change, and I want it NOW!” Please remember, that you will remain exactly as you are, and where you are, unless YOU make the effort to do something about it. That is something that no one else can do for you. The only way out of depression, and the unpleasant feelings and emotions, is to start taking baby steps and climb your way out of the darkness and into the light. It’s not an overnight process… it does take time. I will work with you one-on-one helping you every step of the way.

You are creating a NEW YOU, and what better time to take action than RIGHT NOW! Make those resolutions, and stick to them. Be determined to reach your HAPPINESS! Internal Happiness does not just happen to you. You have to discover it. Several things that are needed are determination, perseverance, positive attitude, forgiveness of yourself and others, and believing in yourself. Just know that you can do anything you set your mind to. You have a life! A real life that’s waiting for you to shine.

Your life is already there waiting for YOU! Think about it!

Just think of all of the things that you can accomplish in your life when you dedicate your talents, gifts, and passion. God gave you a purpose in life. It’s up to you to discover it.

To all of the people who took the action to get help, I applaud you. You have taken the first step towards healing. The point is… YOU TOOK ACTION! That’s very important. Too many people want help, but don’t ask for it, or they attempt to get help, but then just don’t follow through. I challenge you to be the shining example for all. Always reach for the best things in life, and most of all, always reach for your true happiness and life purpose. Everyone has God’s gifts bestowed upon us, just waiting for us to receive them and use them.

At times, things that happen in our lives are catalysts for exactly what we need to propel us to move in the direction of where we are meant to go.

Please read that last sentence again, and slowly. If you understand this… you will understand that God has a plan for all of us.

Embrace God’s plan and live your life to your full potential.
Good things are just WAITING ON YOU!


Many blessings to you and your family…

May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year filled with
Love, Laughter, Prosperity, Internal Happiness, Peace and Contentment,

May God Bless You,
For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Therapy, 
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Business: (973) 581-1980

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