Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year's Inspirational Message...

The past year, and possible previous ones has presented many of us with many challenges and choices, some good, and some appearing really bad. Some challenges and choices leading to heartache and pain, while others leading to improving our lives. When drawing to a close of the end of a year, we sometimes reflect on where we were and what we have accomplished.

When thinking about the past year or your situation in a way that is upsetting and depressing, I challenge you to take that same pain and use it to your advantage to make a brand new start for the coming year ahead.

How do you use the pain to your advantage? By transforming the pain into self-awareness. My unique style of counseling and spiritual gifts will help you do that! Whether you are looking for positive emotional fulfillment, self-improvement, clearing out confusion, organization, or a change in career, the point is...

Create a Vision, Stay Focused... Watch it Manifest!

I do believe that something good always comes out of something bad or tragic, and if we are smart enough to recognize it, it makes us stronger. And, I don't mean the kind of stronger that you begin to put up walls to make you stronger. Because, those walls will always prevent you from opening yourself up to all the blessings around you. Those walls keep you stuck. I'm talking about becoming stronger through adversity. Facing the challenges, and working through them no matter how difficult it becomes.

Let's face it... There is a high price to pay for freedom of body, mind, and spirit. And, that high price is hard work, real work, to keep going even when you feel like quitting. Being determined and having the perseverance to reach your goals. Despite present circumstances, if you can understand that the outcome is always to your advantage, then you will be able to process the importance of Your Journey. You will get to your outcome one way or another, but how you get there is up to you.

Attitude and Perception means everything.

Even though you can’t see it right now, everything that happens, happens for a reason, and is for our ultimate good. When you get through certain phases in your life, you can look back and see why things happened as they did.

Listen… a serious word for all… You are not alone! I myself, and many others totally understand your pain. I often say, we all experience the same emotions, just in different scenarios. I have also been through Hell myself. I went through deep depression to experiencing all kinds of deeply painful, unpleasant emotions, which affected my entire life and the lives of my family. But, I did reach a point where I said to myself, “I’m so tired of feeling the way that I do. I want change, and I want it NOW!” Please remember, that you will remain exactly as you are, and where you are, unless YOU make the effort to do something about it. That is something that no one else can do for you. The only way out of depression, and the unpleasant feelings and emotions, is to start taking baby steps and climb your way out of the darkness and into the light. It’s not an overnight process… it does take time. I will work with you one-on-one helping you every step of the way.

You are creating a NEW YOU, and what better time to take action than RIGHT NOW! Make those resolutions, and stick to them. Be determined to reach your HAPPINESS! Internal Happiness does not just happen to you. You have to discover it. Several things that are needed are determination, perseverance, positive attitude, forgiveness of yourself and others, and believing in yourself. Just know that you can do anything you set your mind to. You have a life! A real life that’s waiting for you to shine.

Your life is already there waiting for YOU! Think about it!

Just think of all of the things that you can accomplish in your life when you dedicate your talents, gifts, and passion. God gave you a purpose in life. It’s up to you to discover it.

To all of the people who took the action to get help, I applaud you. You have taken the first step towards healing. The point is… YOU TOOK ACTION! That’s very important. Too many people want help, but don’t ask for it, or they attempt to get help, but then just don’t follow through. I challenge you to be the shining example for all. Always reach for the best things in life, and most of all, always reach for your true happiness and life purpose. Everyone has God’s gifts bestowed upon us, just waiting for us to receive them and use them.

At times, things that happen in our lives are catalysts for exactly what we need to propel us to move in the direction of where we are meant to go.

Please read that last sentence again, and slowly. If you understand this… you will understand that God has a plan for all of us.

Embrace God’s plan and live your life to your full potential.
Good things are just WAITING ON YOU!


Many blessings to you and your family…

May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year filled with
Love, Laughter, Prosperity, Internal Happiness, Peace and Contentment,

May God Bless You,
For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Therapy, 
please visit:
Business: (973) 581-1980

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Deceased Father's Message To All Of Us

My father had passed away a little over two years ago, and within a few days after his passing, he came back to me in a dream and wanted me to know something very important. My dreams have always been very significant, symbolic, and very meaningful. As with all of our dreams, if we analyze them, and pay attention, there is usually a great message behind them.

In the dream, I was at my mom's house, in her kitchen. Her kitchen table was small, and oval shaped with four chairs around it. I was standing there, and saw my father sitting in the chair directly facing me. He was looking directly at me, and I knew it. He looked younger than when he died. My father's blue eyes were VERY blue, and VERY wide opened, making sure that we saw each other, confirming to me that it was him. I turned around and said to my mom, "Look, daddy is alive." I said something else to my mom, and to my cousins who were also there. My father then repeated everything I said, word for word, making sure that I heard him VERY clearly. He heard everything I was saying.

No one said anything, but I had left the kitchen towards the living room, and entered the kitchen again from the dining room. This time, I saw my father sitting in a different chair just where I was entering the room. The chair was not against the table but just moved a little bit back. He was older, and his appearance looked like he had when he died. He was slumped over, head hanging down, and legs spread out. I carefully walked in between his spread out legs so as not to touch him, for I knew he was dead. After I got past him, I looked back at him, and he was slumped over even more. His head was hanging down even further.

That was the end of the dream.

When I woke up, I felt and knew that my father had visited me in my dream. I felt great knowing that he was there, and had communicated with me.

The thing is this... When he was alive, I had talked to my father a few times about death, and he expressed that he didn't believe in the afterlife. He said that he believed that when we die, that's it, it's black and there's nothing.

Well, he made sure that he got his certain message across...

In my dream, my father wanted me to know this...
This was his message to me...

"Even though I am dead, and you walk by me, I can still SEE YOU and I can still HEAR YOU!"

Because my father knew that I believed in the afterlife, and had many experiences with people who have passed, he wanted to let me know that he was still around me, also confirming what I believe.

To me, that was a very profound message, not only for me, but for us all...

Our loved ones are not gone, they ARE still around us...

May God Bless You and Your Loved Ones,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARPFor Holistic Life Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Discovering Your Truth

What is YOUR Truth right now?

People live their lives in many ways:

1) don’t really care about much, just go along day after day, same routine over and over again

2) not really happy with what they are doing, but do it anyway because they feel they have to

3) average life, somewhat satisfied and conditioned, don’t strive for more, just at a steady pace

4) somewhat content with life and career, just doing what you have to do

5) happy with life and career, but feel something missing

6) happy with life, career, family, but knows there is still more to life

7) wants to know how to improve their life

8) explores and searches for the meaning of life

9) know that they are on a journey to discovering the truth of their soul, and taking the necessary actions to keep moving forward

10) know their life purpose and living from that purpose

11) totally connected with God and self, living life on purpose, and completely self-fulfilled, very happy, and very content

Be honest with yourself right now...
no one else can hear your thoughts!

Which life are you living?

"The minute we face the truth... only then can true change begin."
~ Laura R. Kiray
If we don't face the truth now, and be honest with ourselves, we will never get to where we want to go or where we are meant to go.

Do you know all there is to know about you? Do you know what you want, what your dreams are? Why you act and think a certain way? Have you found your purpose in life?

These are necessary questions that we need to ask ourselves if we are ever to find our truth and live a life with purpose and meaning.

In order to find your truth, you have to do some exploring into your inner soul. For there is no other place to find the truth than the place within, when you truly connect with the REAL YOU. Nobody can tell you your truth, nobody can define who you are, and nobody can think and act for you.

It's part of our journey to understand who we are, and to create an extraordinary life. In order to create that extraordinary life, we have to understand ourselves. Not what we were taught to believe about ourselves, but to truly know oneself. I can't stress enough how important it is to live by your own truth, and
not how others want you to live. If you live according to others' expectations of you, you are comprising yourself and sacrificing the 'real you'. Which also, could lead you down a path that is in the opposite direction of where you really should be going.

What is YOUR real Truth, and how do you find it?

We all want to know what we are here for, our purpose or mission in life. When you have discovered your life purpose, there is that connection to your authenticity, your true self, which makes you feel alive and driven. The further you get away from your purpose in life, the more out of sync you will feel.

Start by getting to know yourself, and what kind of emotional energy charge that gets triggered inside of you. Try to observe the behavioral patterns in your life. Start with the word
always, as in "I always feel _____", or "I always do _____." Any time you find an always in your life, there is an archetype there (an original model or type in which similar things are patterned).

Discover more of who you are by answering the following questions:

1) I am really good at...


2) When I was a child, I really wanted to be:


re you that today? Yes or No
3) If given the chance to be or do anything I've always wanted, I would daydream about...


4) What prevents me from being or doing what I've always wanted is the following:




5) In my free time, I
really enjoy...



6) Describe in detail,
how you feel when you are doing something you really enjoy doing...



7) Can you recognize right away when you are in that state of really enjoying what you are doing? Yes or No

8) Do you have passion for what you are doing right now? Yes or No

9) Have you ever felt passionate about anything in your life? Yes or No

If Yes, when and what did you feel passionate about? Give specific details.




10) People have always told me that I am good at...


11) My gifts and talents are...




12) In my ideal world, I envision my life...




By answering these questions, you will get a better understanding of who you are and which direction you should be going.

Meditate on all of this, and once you truly feel it, act on it... if you don't, you will always have that gnawing feeling inside of you that something is not right and missing from your life.

Remember, this is part of your journey... discovering your truth and living your life purpose.

May you find everything that fulfills your life, and brings you into total harmony with who you really are...

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Energy Healing: Click here

© 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Going with the Flow

Imagine you are searching for a key to a hidden treasure. You are lost deep in the woods trying to find this key. Not knowing where you are going, you are wishing for some sort of help or guidance. After searching and searching, you slip on some rocks, and fall into a river which is taking you in the opposite direction that you are going.
Immediately, as you were being swept away, you are frightened, scared and fearful that you will drown. Quickly, you look around and reach for anything to hold onto fearing for your life because of the rough current. With all your might of fighting against the current, you manage to pull yourself out of the river and onto the land. You sit there exhausted, heart pounding, have tremendous anxiety, and then you look around realizing what had just happened.

Now, you're in shock as you look down at the river. As you are looking down to see where the river is flowing, you realize that the current that you were so frightened of, would have taken you to an area full of
beautiful flowers. Within those beautiful flowers, was the key that you had been searching for.

Now, had you just gone with the flow, even though frightened and scared of what might happen, and not fight it with such resistance, you would have found the very thing you would have been searching for... the key, which is the key to your happiness and internal treasure.

Let the process take you along.
The current (though rough at times) is the process, with the guidance you are seeking.

Guidance comes in people and events that occur in our lives to help us along our path.
Try not to fight it with resistance and Go with the Flow.

I wanted to give this to you and hopefully you will see that the rough times you endure are the very things that WILL take you to a better place. Try not to fight it. Have faith and trust that things are EXACTLY as they are supposed to be, and if you don't fight it, you WILL find exactly what you are looking for.

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meditation, Visualization and Manifestation

Meditation is quieting the mind and putting yourself into a very relaxed and calm state. It's a moment and time of contemplating and reflecting. You can focus on a particular problem or issue, or just nothing at all, and see what your higher self has to tell you. It is a time to connect with your higher self, with God. Meditation is connecting to your spiritual side, letting go of the ego.

You already have all the answers within.

Anything you ever wanted to know about yourself, you can find through meditation. If you are dealing with upsetting emotions, or undecided as to which direction to take, or unsure of a decision, or want to find your life purpose, you can find all your answers that you seek when you connect to your higher self.

As a practice, we all should set aside some time every day just for ourselves to meditate. Whether it be 5 minutes or an hour, it is essential to connect to your higher self to keep yourself in balance. If you live only in the physical world without connecting to your spiritual side, you will become off balance. That's when all the problems arise. There has to be a balance of the physical world and the spiritual world.
Some people tell me, "I can't meditate, I can't get my mind quiet", or "Every time I try, I keep thinking of everything else I have to do instead of quieting my mind". At first, it can be a little hard to "get focused". With practice, each time you meditate, you get better and better at it. Your intent draws you in. It's where you focus that will determine where you go. It helps to focus on your breathing, or you can focus on the flame of a candle, and when you are relaxed enough, you can then bring up an issue, or nothing at all, and see what messages your higher self reveals. A suggestion... always keep a private journal of your experiences.

There are many ways to meditate. You have to find what feels right for you. You can use meditative music, and/or candles. You can go for a walk and connect with nature. You can go to the beach and meditate while looking at the ocean. You can just sit there staring out the window.

One of my favorite meditations is at the beach... sitting on the sand alone. I sometimes visualize the waves coming in as positive energy filling my entire being, and when the waves go out, I visualize all the negative energy coming out of my body and out to the ocean, releasing it to God. It leaves you refreshed, renewed, and at peace.

Whichever way you choose, there are powerful realizations, epiphanies, enlightenment and those "AHA moments" that can occur through meditation.

Visualization is placing a picture in your mind. Everyone has done visualization on many occasions, and at times without even realizing they were doing it.

If you can picture what you are going to do before you do it, you are visualizing:

If you can picture yourself making coffee, or getting breakfast, or driving to work, all before you are doing it, you are visualizing.

If you can picture yourself sitting on the beach and can feel the warmth of the sun, you are visualizing.

If you can picture yourself washing your hands, and can feel the cold or warm water on your hands, you are visualizing.

How important is it to visualize? Very. Visualization helps while meditating on problems or issues, it helps with decision making, as well as what you would like to bring into your life.

Remember, we attract to us what we think about, for good or bad... so practice each day, visualizing positive energy, and what you would like to bring into your life.

Manifestation, in the positive sense of what I am speaking of, is allowing what you want to visualize to come into fruition. Notice the key word... allowing. If you don't allow it come into fruition, it won't.

Visualize, Stay Focused, Watch it Manifest

Part of allowing is believing that what you want to come into your life, will. Expectations have to be based on that which you want to happen has to be reasonable and doable. It's in your belief in something that you stay focused with great intent, and unwavering passion, that you are allowing it to come into your life. It's clear, evident and visible.

Visualization and Manifestation go hand in hand. If you visual what you want, if you stay focused on your intent, and when the time is right, you can manifest what you desire. Notice that I said, when the time is right. Sometimes, what we desire can take a long time to come into fruition. Patience is required when seeking out our dreams. Certain things have to fall into place before we can see our dreams come to pass. It has to happen in its divine order.

That's what allowing is... having the patience to wait with total faith that what you desire is realistic and is on its way. Allowing is staying focused with unwavering belief and passion.

Take some time out today and contemplate your life.
Are you on track? Are you in balance?
Are you living according to God's plan for your life?

Take some time out today to meditate, visualize what you desire, and allow what you want to manifest to come into your life.

Enjoy the process my friends... it's part of your journey!

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2010

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Your Life Is Already There Waiting For You...

From the time we are born and going through our adolescent years to becoming an adult, we are faced with many challenges, both positive and negative. From the time we are born, we had to learn how to GROW. We had to learn how to eat, talk, and walk on our own. We are taught values, morals and beliefs. We learned through our mistakes, and are taught many life lessons. But, where is all this leading to?

Whether we realize it or not, each step of the way, we are taught just what we need for our own personal growth and plan for our lives. Each step of the way, is designed
JUST FOR YOU! Your experiences are tailor made to prepare you for the life that you were meant to live. I often hear people say, "I can't believe that I have wasted so much time with him/her" or "I have wasted so much time doing this/that". Please know that it wasn't wasted time at all. What you have GONE THROUGH was all in preparation for the life that you were meant to live.


Everyone has a plan and design for their life, a life purpose. And, everything that you are going through is divinely designed to help get you to and achieve your life purpose. If you start to take notice of the events and circumstances that have occurred in your life, and really see the progression and flow of how and why things turned out, you can start to see that each step of the way were stepping stones helping you to arrive to where you are meant to go.

It's not always easy to see this, especially when we are in the midst of Hell, but when you get through that period in your life, you can look back and see why everything happened as it did. Even though we sometimes can't see it at the time, everything that happens is for our ultimate higher good, our higher self.

If you haven't found your life purpose yet, or you are looking but having a little trouble finding it, take some time and reflect on your life. Your life purpose will always be found in asking the question,
"How may I serve others?" Reflect on this, and when you feel the answer coming from within with unwavering passion, you will know that you have found what you are looking for. The thing is... nobody else can tell you what your purpose is, it can only be found when you truly go inward and connect with God.
Your Life Is Already There Waiting For YOU...
it's waiting for you to catch up and embrace it!

Take some time today and reflect on your life and find what you are most passionate about. You'll know when you are embracing the life that is waiting for you when it feels right. Trust your intuition.

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Is YOUR Mirror Trying To Tell YOU?

When you look into a mirror, what do you see? You see yourself right? The mirror reflects back what it sees. Very simple concept.
Now, take that concept into all your interactions with others, and the interaction you have with yourself. People and situations will mirror back to you your thoughts, your emotions, and behavior/actions that you have taken.

Have you ever noticed certain behaviors in others that you do not like, and said to yourself, "I can't stand when he/she does that"? Or, "It bothers me when he/she always puts me second."

The lessons of mirroring is to take notice of how you feel when you interact with others, understanding what you see, and make the changes that are necessary for you to align yourself with your true self, your authentic self. Whatever the situation is trying to show you, a positive feeling or a negative one, it will reflect back to you what you are (your thoughts, emotions, and behavior/actions).

If you are sending out positive thoughts, feel good about yourself, and act with love, you will attract people and situations to you that reflect positive energy, inspiring people, and love. However, if your thoughts, emotions and behaviors/actions are on the negative side, you will then attract negative situations to you that reflect negative energy, pessimistic people and attitudes, and negative behavior.

Let's take a look at a couple of examples of what I mean:

Example 1:
Let's take the statement, "It bothers me when he/she always puts me second."

What's happening is you are attracting people to you that put you second to try to show you how you treat yourself. You are the one putting yourself second, and that's exactly what the situation is trying to show you.

Example 2:
When someone belittles you, criticizes you, puts you down and it hurts you...
The situation is trying to show you that you are the one who puts yourself down and criticizes you. Without even knowing it, you must have some underlying beliefs that you keep telling yourself that you are no good, not good enough, you can't do it, doubt yourself, feel unworthy. It's those beliefs that are being reflected back.

When someone belittles you, criticizes you, and puts you down and it doesn't affect you, you still feel okay within yourself, there is no need to make changes within, you are coming from a place of love and wholeness. It's when the situations are negative, it hurts or bothers you, there are issues within yourself that need to be looked at for healing.

If it's positive things you see in others, know that you are seeing yourself in that same way. You see that part of you that is that way, and you like it.

If you see someone who you are envious of and wish you could be that way, which creates a negative feeling, the situation is trying to show you that you are already that way, but the negative feeling you feel is the doubt or negative belief that you are not that way. Once you change your belief, you change the way you see that person. You will no longer be envious, but happy for that person.

If you see someone who is rich, and you are envious of that person and would like to be that way, again it is showing you that you are already rich within yourself. If it's material things that you are envious of, which can create negative emotions, it's trying to show you that you are too attached to material things and the material world. What you see first is the material aspect, instead of the fact that you don't need the material things to make you rich. It's your negative beliefs and self-doubt that creates being envious.

Until you make the necessary changes within yourself, you will continue to attract the same kind of situation to you. It may or may not be the same people, but the kind of situation will be the same.

Always look for the lesson(s) in situations, and realize, that even seemingly negative situations are not negative, there are great lessons to be learned. When you learn the lesson and finally "get it", you should notice those types of situations will not occur anymore. There is no need.

It is very important to pay attention to what type of energy you put out there... because that's the same type of energy you will get back. Pay attention to the patterns. If you see the same negative patterns that just repeat itself, and if it bothers you enough, there is a life lesson to be learned.

Each situation will try to show us something whether it be positive or negative, and it's up to us to seek what our mirror is trying to show us.

Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP
Holistic Life Coach
Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

Copyright © 2009