Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Your Life Is Already There Waiting For You...

From the time we are born and going through our adolescent years to becoming an adult, we are faced with many challenges, both positive and negative. From the time we are born, we had to learn how to GROW. We had to learn how to eat, talk, and walk on our own. We are taught values, morals and beliefs. We learned through our mistakes, and are taught many life lessons. But, where is all this leading to?

Whether we realize it or not, each step of the way, we are taught just what we need for our own personal growth and plan for our lives. Each step of the way, is designed
JUST FOR YOU! Your experiences are tailor made to prepare you for the life that you were meant to live. I often hear people say, "I can't believe that I have wasted so much time with him/her" or "I have wasted so much time doing this/that". Please know that it wasn't wasted time at all. What you have GONE THROUGH was all in preparation for the life that you were meant to live.


Everyone has a plan and design for their life, a life purpose. And, everything that you are going through is divinely designed to help get you to and achieve your life purpose. If you start to take notice of the events and circumstances that have occurred in your life, and really see the progression and flow of how and why things turned out, you can start to see that each step of the way were stepping stones helping you to arrive to where you are meant to go.

It's not always easy to see this, especially when we are in the midst of Hell, but when you get through that period in your life, you can look back and see why everything happened as it did. Even though we sometimes can't see it at the time, everything that happens is for our ultimate higher good, our higher self.

If you haven't found your life purpose yet, or you are looking but having a little trouble finding it, take some time and reflect on your life. Your life purpose will always be found in asking the question,
"How may I serve others?" Reflect on this, and when you feel the answer coming from within with unwavering passion, you will know that you have found what you are looking for. The thing is... nobody else can tell you what your purpose is, it can only be found when you truly go inward and connect with God.
Your Life Is Already There Waiting For YOU...
it's waiting for you to catch up and embrace it!

Take some time today and reflect on your life and find what you are most passionate about. You'll know when you are embracing the life that is waiting for you when it feels right. Trust your intuition.

May God Bless You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Is YOUR Mirror Trying To Tell YOU?

When you look into a mirror, what do you see? You see yourself right? The mirror reflects back what it sees. Very simple concept.
Now, take that concept into all your interactions with others, and the interaction you have with yourself. People and situations will mirror back to you your thoughts, your emotions, and behavior/actions that you have taken.

Have you ever noticed certain behaviors in others that you do not like, and said to yourself, "I can't stand when he/she does that"? Or, "It bothers me when he/she always puts me second."

The lessons of mirroring is to take notice of how you feel when you interact with others, understanding what you see, and make the changes that are necessary for you to align yourself with your true self, your authentic self. Whatever the situation is trying to show you, a positive feeling or a negative one, it will reflect back to you what you are (your thoughts, emotions, and behavior/actions).

If you are sending out positive thoughts, feel good about yourself, and act with love, you will attract people and situations to you that reflect positive energy, inspiring people, and love. However, if your thoughts, emotions and behaviors/actions are on the negative side, you will then attract negative situations to you that reflect negative energy, pessimistic people and attitudes, and negative behavior.

Let's take a look at a couple of examples of what I mean:

Example 1:
Let's take the statement, "It bothers me when he/she always puts me second."

What's happening is you are attracting people to you that put you second to try to show you how you treat yourself. You are the one putting yourself second, and that's exactly what the situation is trying to show you.

Example 2:
When someone belittles you, criticizes you, puts you down and it hurts you...
The situation is trying to show you that you are the one who puts yourself down and criticizes you. Without even knowing it, you must have some underlying beliefs that you keep telling yourself that you are no good, not good enough, you can't do it, doubt yourself, feel unworthy. It's those beliefs that are being reflected back.

When someone belittles you, criticizes you, and puts you down and it doesn't affect you, you still feel okay within yourself, there is no need to make changes within, you are coming from a place of love and wholeness. It's when the situations are negative, it hurts or bothers you, there are issues within yourself that need to be looked at for healing.

If it's positive things you see in others, know that you are seeing yourself in that same way. You see that part of you that is that way, and you like it.

If you see someone who you are envious of and wish you could be that way, which creates a negative feeling, the situation is trying to show you that you are already that way, but the negative feeling you feel is the doubt or negative belief that you are not that way. Once you change your belief, you change the way you see that person. You will no longer be envious, but happy for that person.

If you see someone who is rich, and you are envious of that person and would like to be that way, again it is showing you that you are already rich within yourself. If it's material things that you are envious of, which can create negative emotions, it's trying to show you that you are too attached to material things and the material world. What you see first is the material aspect, instead of the fact that you don't need the material things to make you rich. It's your negative beliefs and self-doubt that creates being envious.

Until you make the necessary changes within yourself, you will continue to attract the same kind of situation to you. It may or may not be the same people, but the kind of situation will be the same.

Always look for the lesson(s) in situations, and realize, that even seemingly negative situations are not negative, there are great lessons to be learned. When you learn the lesson and finally "get it", you should notice those types of situations will not occur anymore. There is no need.

It is very important to pay attention to what type of energy you put out there... because that's the same type of energy you will get back. Pay attention to the patterns. If you see the same negative patterns that just repeat itself, and if it bothers you enough, there is a life lesson to be learned.

Each situation will try to show us something whether it be positive or negative, and it's up to us to seek what our mirror is trying to show us.

Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP
Holistic Life Coach
Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

Copyright © 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Are You Paying Attention?

Have you ever had a feeling that you can't explain how you know, but you just know?

Have you ever had a feeling in your gut that tells you just what you should or should not do and when to take action and when not to?

Have you ever had a feeling or a knowing when someone is lying to you?

Of course you have sometime in your life, but my real question is:
Are you listening?

Are you paying attention to the messages that are being sent to you?

That just knowing feeling is your Intuition. You may have heard and know much about intuition. But, how well do you REALLY LISTEN to it on an everyday basis?
Your intuition comes from your higher self (from God) guiding you in all areas of your life. The feeling that you get is your intuition giving you the answers to questions that sometimes you don't even think you ask. What do I mean by that? Sometimes we are conscious of the questions that we ask, but sometimes, we go through our routine without even saying, "What should I do now?" It's those times where we are just going through our daily routine that we have to pay attention even more. Because we are not consciously asking questions, we sometimes don't hear the response from our higher self.
So, how do we connect to our intuition? You connect by being still. Being quiet and paying attention to that inner small voice. Through meditation, you can gain tremendous insight into any situation. With practice, you will be able to do this as a routine and connect immediately.

Take time out each day just for you where you can sit quietly and reflect on your day. Practice listening and paying attention to what your intuition (gut feeling) is trying to tell you. Go out in nature for a walk, or sit outside and just look at all the beauty that surrounds you. If you can't see the beauty, you are not looking hard enough. Embrace the feelings you get. You will be more refreshed, and more relaxed, and able to let go of the stress of the day.

Remember, next time you ask yourself questions, wait and listen for the answers. When you don't ask, listen anyway. You will be glad you did.

Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP
Holistic Life Coach

Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Letting Go

-->What does "Letting Go" really mean?

It means not wanting to have control over other people and/or situations. It also means to cleanse ourselves, mind, body and spirit of all resentments, hurts, and negative emotions.

To "let go" is admitting to ourselves that we can't make people, especially those we love, do things, especially what WE WANT them to do.

To "let go" is to learn from every single experience in life, allowing the negative situations to turn into positive opportunities for growth.

"Letting go" is realizing and believing that the best possible outcome is for the good of all.

To "let go" is allowing others to grow at their own pace, and realizing that not everyone is growing at the same rate.

"Letting go" is all about delving in to your own Self-Discovery process, uncovering your own issues and healing from them. It's also about permitting others to do the same.

"Letting go" is also about following your own personal dreams, your own personal goals, living YOUR authentic life and not living according to how others want you to live your life, while still loving one another.

"Letting Go" is the act of understanding the importance of, and releasing, the negativity that some people carry around, such as hurt, guilt, anger, resentment, and any other negative emotion, for many, many years, realizing that they are being weighed down, held back, perhaps keeping them in a constant state of physical and/or emotional despair. It's realizing that it no longer serves their higher good and purpose.

"Letting go" is living the Golden Rule.


1) Clench both your fists tightly. Tightly enough where you feel the discomfort and pain (people with long nails will probably feel it more so).

2) Hold that position for about 10-15 seconds or so. While doing so, take notice of where you feel the discomfort in your body. Really feel it all over your body.

3) Feel the tension and notice the words you are saying to yourself.

4) When you are ready, "Let Go"!

5) Take notice of the difference of how you feel when you are holding on tightly to something or you just "Let Go"!

This is a good exercise to bring your awareness as to what holding onto something does to you in mind, body, and spirit, and how you feel when you just "Let Go".

Remember, life is about CHOICES!

We really do have a choice to HOLD ON or to LET GO of what holds us back.

Think of what it costs you to HOLD ON, and then think of the benefits of LETTING GO...

My hope is that you make the right choice...

Hope this helps.
Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP
Holistic Life Coach
Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

Copyright © 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Power of Self-Talk

Have you ever stopped yourself and asked, "What was I thinking?" Usually, we say that in times where we realized we have done something stupid. But, if we would really stop ourselves and ask the question, "What am I really thinking?", we would probably be amazed at our responses. As human consciousness is dramatically changing and growing, more and more people are developing the awareness and the Power of their Self-Talk, which affects every aspect of their life. We benefit greatly by being consciously aware of what we are thinking.

It helps us to:
  • turn negative mind sets into positive ones
  • uncover deeply rooted unresolved issues that still need healing
  • move past stuck stages
  • tap into and connect to who we truly are
Positive Self-Talk provides a happy, loving feeling. Negative Self-Talk will make you feel unhappy, depressed, and unworthy. The best way to tell if your Self-Talk is positive or negative is by the way you feel. The good news is, that how you feel can be changed in an instant just by changing the way you think. It's looking at the glass half-empty or half-full. It is literally a choice, a choice that only WE can make.

Exercise: The next time you have a negative feeling, ask yourself, "What thought was I thinking that made me feel this way?" When you identify the negative thought, change it to a positive statement and notice how you feel. It takes practice to get good at this, and 21 days to change a habit. Be consistent and before you know it, you will see things in a whole new way.

So, let me ask you... "What on earth are you thinking? If it's something positive, keep it positive. If it's something negative, change it to a positive."

Many blessings to you,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

Copyright © 2009

Taking Things Personally

How many times have you found yourself full of anger, rage, fear, doubt, along with that pit in your stomach when someone criticizes you and puts you down? If someone ends a relationship, or has an affair, you could feel as if, "what did I do, what's wrong with me?" If someone cuts you off in traffic, calls you names, someone yells at you and tells you you're stupid or worthless, or if your kids say that you're a bad parent and they hate you, what is your response? And, how is that making you feel about yourself?

Have you ever wondered why you respond and think the way that you do? Your response triggers your own issues (which I will write about in another blog), but it is also important to understand that when you take things personally, your automatic response is triggered by the belief that it's ALL ABOUT YOU. When in reality, it has absolutely nothing to do with you at all. You have taken it personally as if what the other person is saying or doing is a direct attack on you.

I often say to people, "What other people say and do is about them... What you say and do and how you react is about YOU!"

Understanding this concept will help in realizing that what other people say and do has everything to do with who they are, what is going on inside of them and how they deal with their own issues. The same holds true for you. What you say and do to others has to do with your own thoughts, beliefs, and personal issues.

"So, why then is it so hard to NOT Take Things Personally? How can I change it?

You can change it instantly by changing your belief about why people say and do the things that they do. For anyone to take things personally, you have to have the belief that it has to do with you and you did something wrong, that you are the cause for that person to act the way they are acting. When you change your focus and condition yourself into a new way of thinking, you will see that you and the situation are not the cause, but the effect.

If you would take notice for about a week, and see how many times you lash out at others for whatever reason, and stop yourself in the moment, and say to yourself, does it really have to do with that other person, or am I really angry with myself and how I want or how I thought things should be? This little exercise will help you in viewing your own behavior and realizing that if you act this way, others do too!

Hope this helps,

Many blessings to you,

Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

Copyright © 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Forgive YOURSELF and OTHERS

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts that we can do. We are taught that when we forgive, we are not doing it for the other person, but we are doing it for ourselves, to free ourselves.

For years, I, like so many other people had been caught up in people telling us that we have to forgive ourselves and others in order to be free inside of one self. But, what we weren't taught is HOW to do it. I had been reading many, many books on the subject, and researching it and wanting to know HOW does one truly forgive, only to come up with frustration, and no answers. We are taught the benefits and to just let go, but not the HOW. How can one truly let go of the hurt, anger, and resentment that we feel towards someone who has caused us so much pain?

It wasn't until years later when I saw "The Passion of Christ" that I truly understood what it means to forgive and how to do it. It took three times to watch it, when it finally sunk in and I had my "AHA" moment. It wasn't until I heard Jesus Christ say on the cross, "Forgive them Father, for they not know what they do". It took the third time to watch it to realize the power in his words, "for they not know what they do".

I started to understand on a deep level what Jesus was saying. They really don't know what they do. If they really knew what they were doing, they wouldn't have done it. This applies to everyone.

I can hear some of you say, but they knew what they were doing, and they did it anyway. There has to be a very deep understanding on a very deep spiritual level to really get this. What I realized is, they don't get it, they really don't know. Please meditate on this and you will see. The deeper understanding won't come from your mind, your ego. It comes from your true understanding when YOU connect with God.

This also applies to you in forgiving yourself. You can learn how to forgive yourself when you see that you really didn't know better at the time. Had you known better, you would have done better. But, since you didn't know better AT THE TIME of what you blame yourself for, you have to realize that you could not have done any better than what you knew at the time. And when you think about, you can not only forgive yourself, but also alleviate any guilt that you carry around as well. If you can see how to forgive yourself, then you can see how to forgive others.

There is an added component to this which I will post in another blog having to do with "Taking it Personally".

I hope this helps my friend, and realize that when you can truly forgive yourself and others, you are coming from a place of unconditional love, from God. And, if Jesus Christ can forgive them for what he was put through, so can you!

Many Blessings To You,
Laura R. Kiray, RMT, IARP

For Holistic Life Coaching and Reiki Energy Healing: Click here

© 2009